AEJMC 2023 Highlights

AEJMC 2023 was a very busy conference for me. while also being one of the memorable and fun one.

On Sunday, August 6th, I attended the NOND pre conference “Building/Expanding News/Academic Partnerships” where I learned about interesting models and resources to start partnerships with local/community media.

During main conference, I presented three research papers that come from three different coathored projects in different parts of the world.

  • With Jason Martin and gerry Lanosga we presented our paper titled “A Global Perspective on Data Journalism Materiality: Knowledge Production across Public Transparency Infrastructure Environments” in a scholar-to-scholar Poster session sponsored by the Newspaper and Online News Division

  • With Lea Hellmueller, we presented our paper titled “Shareworthiness of Political Debate News: Do horserace and negativity appeal the same to English- and Spanish-language audiences?” in a scholar-to-scholar poster session sponsored by the Political communication Division.

  • And lastly, on behalf of me and my coathors Erlis Çela and Gjylije Rexha, i presented our study “The Audience Logic in Election news reporting on Facebook: What drives audience engagement in transitional democracies of Albania and Kosovo?” in a research panel sponsored by the International Communication Division.

I was also lucky to be the moderator in a teaching panel titled “Celebrating Wining Ideas in Cross-disciplinary Teaching” where we discussed Political Communication Division’s inaugural teaching competition winners teaching projects! I served as a Teaching Chair for PLCD during 2022-2023 and spearheaded the teaching competition.

I also participated in a panel co-sponsored by NOND and Broadcast & Mobile Journalism Division on epistemology in digital journalism, with Greg Perreault, Maxwell Foxman, .Phoebe Maares, Valerie Hasse and Israel Balderas, where we talked about scholarly trends, journalism practices, precarity, ethics, gatekeepers, interlopers & more.

Special highlights include Dr.David Weaver’s support at our late afternoon poster presentation, a bike tour around D.C., brunch and drinks celebrating friendships, and a visit to the studios of Voice of America (more about it in the next post).


Outstanding Research Award for 2023


Interview with Voice of America/Zëri i Amerikës about Media Freedom in the Balkans