Top Paper Award at AEJMC

It was an honor to receive the top paper award from the Newspaper and Online News Division of the AEJMC this year, for our paper that tests the typology of data journalism across countries. The paper is part of the multi country project on data journalism in collaboration with my awesome friends Jason Martin and Gerry Lanosga. 

Title: Testing a Typology of Data Journalism: Professional and Epistemological Orientations Across 68 Countries

Abstract: This study uses a broad cross-national survey to test a typological framework for the growing data journalism subfield. The analysis illuminates contrasting practices involving journalistic use of data and also highlights variations between journalists in the Global South versus those in the Global North. We find that rather than aligning neatly with any particular professional or epistemological approach, data journalists are likely to employ a wide range of practices contingent on specific work contexts.


Third paper from our Data Journalism project out in Journalism Practice


Visiting fellowship at the University of Cambridge